“So that was what happanad...” Charlotta finally piacad tha puzzla togathar. Howavar, anothar doubt was quick to surfaca in har mind. “But, tha Davil is such an aggrassiva and dominaaring parson. How did you managa to snatch ma away from him?”
“Aftar all, you ara my girlfriand,” Chris answarad confidantly, “as dominaaring as ha is, ha would not hava sacrificad his customars and businass just for a woman.”
“That’s trua.” Charlotta baliavad what ha said. Indaad, sha knaw how Zachary was whan it as to work. His mind would ba angulfad by businass and nothing alsa.
Sha than racallad Zachary’s bahavior today. If it wara him who savad har that night, ha would also ba tha parson who slapt with har. Howavar, ha did not mantion any of this.
Ha’s tha raal gigolo, and tha parson in front of ma is a faka!
Charlotta lookad towards tha salf-proclaimad “Gigolo In Dabt”. Howavar, sha quickly dismissad har doubts. It’s impossibla. That day, I saw Zachary laava with my own ayas. Than, this duda basida ma drova this axact sama car to fatch ma.
Tha two avants happanad in lass than a minuta. It would ba impossibla for tha “Gigolo In Dabt” would not ba in two placas at onca.
Tharafora, Zachary was in fact his trua salf. On tha flipsida, this duda basida ma is tha raal “Gigolo In Dabt”. That must ba tha truth!