

Does having power hurt your brain?

Historian Henry Adams once described power as “a tumor that ultimately kills the sympathy of its victims“.

In a 20-year study, Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, found that subjects affected by power acted as if they had suffered traumatic brain injury.

They tend to bee more impulsive and less risk conscious. The key is that they are also less good at looking at problems from the perspective of others.

Sukhvinder, a neuroscientist at McMaster University in Ontario

Obhi recently described a similar situation. And research behavior

Unlike Keltner, obhi studies the brain. When he uses special machines to detect people holding power and ordinary people at the same time, he finds that the existence of power can damage a specific neural process.

This neural process, called “mirror image“, may be the cornerstone of empathy. This provides a neurological basis for what Keltner calls the “power paradox“: once we have power, we lose the most

Some of the abilities needed to gain power at the beginning.


历史学家 HenryAdams 曾将权力描述为“一种最终杀死受害者同情的肿瘤”。

加州大学伯克利分校心理学教授 Dacher Keltner 在长达20年的研究中发现,受权力影响的受试者表现得就像遭受了创伤性脑损伤一样。


安大略省麦克马斯特大学的神经学家 Sukhvinder

Obhi 最近描述了类似的情况。与研究行为的

Keltner 不同, Obhi 研究的是大脑,当他把手握权力的人和普通人同时用特殊机器检测时,他发现权力的存在会损害一种特定的神经过程。

而这种被叫做“镜像”的神经过程可能恰恰是产生同理心的基石。这为 Keltner 所说的“权力悖论”提供了神经学基础:一旦我们拥有了权力,我们就失去了最
